Pub. 15 2024 Issue 1

Fraud Prevention

What Responsibility Does Your Bank Have to Customers?

The Fraud Odyssey The criminal ring targeting victims for identity theft, check fraud, loan fraud and auto theft were all connected by illegal drugs. But they used their knowledge of the digital world to monetize their victims in new and creative ways. Not unlike the 66 West Virginia residents charged in a large-scale drug ring

Fraud Prevention

What Responsibility Does Your Bank Have to Customers?

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“An Ill Wind that Blows No Good”

Economic Headwinds and Asset and Liability Management

Financial institutions are facing headwinds on account of burgeoning non‑performing assets, corporate malfeasance, a slowdown in the economy and a mismatch between the maturity profile of assets and liabilities. Severe liquidity strains caused the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank. Yet despite weaker economic conditions, sharply higher interest rates, high inflation, financial market stress and concerns over a potential recession, the banking industry demonstrated resilience. How?

“An Ill Wind that Blows No Good”

Economic Headwinds and Asset and Liability Management

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Expenses Recoverable by Holders of Consumer Loans After Borrower Reinstatement and Cancellation of a Trustee’s Sale

Foreclosure is an inherently expensive process, and the West Virginia Consumer Credit Protection Act (WVCCPA) limits the default charges that may be charged to consumer borrowers following the reinstatement of their loans. Nevertheless, West Virginia Code § 46A-2-115 provides an avenue through which holders of consumer loans may recover various foreclosure-related expenses.

Expenses Recoverable by Holders of Consumer Loans After Borrower Reinstatement and Cancellation of a Trustee’s Sale Read More »

Staying Nimble With Commercial Loan Pricing

Discover How To Navigate the Complexities of Setting Commercial Loan Rates in Today’s Economic Environment

Introduction In the world of commercial lending, the prime lending rate has traditionally been reserved for borrowers deemed to have the best credit quality and lowest probability of default. Credits of lesser quality are normally charged a higher rate, representing a spread over the prime rate. The prime rate is typically 300 basis points (bps)

Staying Nimble With Commercial Loan Pricing

Discover How To Navigate the Complexities of Setting Commercial Loan Rates in Today’s Economic Environment

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President’s Message: Political Engagement Should Not Be Left to Others

Political Engagement Should Not Be Left to Others

We live in the most successful country in mankind’s history. That success is inextricably entwined with our democratic system of government. As citizens, we get to choose our leaders through elections. Elections are messy and rarely produce results with which any individual is completely pleased. However, the messy nature is what creates the environment for individuals and businesses to thrive. We live in a time when elections matter more than ever.

President’s Message: Political Engagement Should Not Be Left to Others

Political Engagement Should Not Be Left to Others

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