Pub. 6 2015 Issue 2

summer 2015 29 West Virginia Banker Key to Billboard Success: Most obvious. The board's location. It needs to be a board where visibility from a distance is strong, or where consumers are stopped for several seconds. Addi- tionally, keep the wording to a minimum of 8 to ten words total, plus your logo. In other words, don't write a book and place it on a billboard. For example, your bank has a new loan officer. The billboard should feature: A photo of the new loan officer, with a phrase such as “John Smith, here to help with your loan needs", contact info, website and that's it. Specialty Magazines/Trade Journals: Similar to what you are reading right now. These types of publications are great for target-marketing. Want to reach several consumers in a given area or industry? Advertise in a newsletter or specialty mag- azine, targeting your EXACT clientele. It is more economical, to reach 1,000 customers who are likely interested in your product, than reaching 50,000 who likely are not. Yes, that seems obvious, but it is amazing how many businesses will advertise to the mass- es, and spend thousands, when it is unnecessary. Your Current Customers: Yes, often the forgotten con- sumer. They already believe in you, and your products. But many businesses focus on getting the new customer, and fail to focus on the current client. This is where "Point of Sale" advertising comes in, promoting your wide array of people, products, and services, to EXISTING clients. Video Advertising in your bank: Yes, bank traffic numbers are down, of course. But there are still many consumers who visit the bank from time to time. I am sure many of you have seen video screens (TVs with video ads), airing in a bank's lobby. The assumption: The price may be too high. There are, however, some video advertising companies, who provide the equipment at no charge, and update the video advertising ads, on an unlimited basis, for one set, low monthly fee. Ask me for more information about this and NEW way to re-build inside bank traffic, using my contact info at the end of the article. By the way, when you contact me, ask about some remarkable things you can add to your Lobby TV/Video Advertising Screens, to make it one of the best and lowest priced investments possible. I can also recommend the best company to provide lobby and drive-thru video advertising services. On Hold Advertising: It is a product that has been around for decades. Rather than having a radio station on your phone system, that might be airing your competitor's commercials to your callers while "On Hold", utilize a low-priced On Hold Advertising product. Key to success: Along with the bank's commercials that air with background music, your personnel can also be featured on commercials, thus helping to "brand" your people AND your bank. We can recommend companies who can offer the equip- ment, audio, script-writing and all other work involved with On Hold Advertising. n For more information on items in this article, feel free to contact the author, or visit the website: Tim Maxwell, President, Great Advertising Factory, email: tim@greatadfactory.comPhone 717-814-5395, Facebook: Great Advertising Factory Magazines | Newsletters | Annual Reports | Digital Media