Pub. 5 2014 Issue 4

Quite simply, BD&E is all you need to transform your community bank. We provide a set of disciplines that will give your team a technology advantage today and tomorrow. We are teaming with Staminus ™ to provide your networks with world-class protection from Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. We make FFIEC compliance easy. BD&E was the first company to install interactive tellers in our region. And only BD&E offers you the All Clear System ™ , which adds safety and efficiency to your openings and closings, plus streamlines HR. To provide GLB Act compliance for customer privacy, we are working with the experts in sound-masking technology, Cambridge Sound Management. And to keep your customers happy and safe, BD&E provides comprehensive service agreements for all of your bank operations. We keep you up and running. To transform your bank and seize the future, start with BD&E. Give Matt Dugas a call at 800-671-7300. Matt is BD&E’s West Virginia Regional Sales Manager. Demand Excellence All Clear System is a trademark of Bank Secure Technology, LLC, Staminus is a trademark of Staminus Communications. DCJS-11-2166 Web: Bank Transformation Starts Here We Have The Tools You Need DDOS ATTACK Protection Interactive TELLERS ALL CLEAR TECHNOLOGY GLB ACT SOUND COMPLIANCE SERVICE AGREEMENTS