Pub. 5 2014 Issue 1 6 West Virginia Banker I t’s an opportunity to learn about more than just banking. It’s an opportunity to learn about good business practices in a general sense. And it’s an opportunity to learn about human nature. This is not only because of the profile of the average accomplished banker; it is because of their willingness to share their best practices – their good experiences as well as their bad. More than most actors in the business world today, bankers are willing to teach. They are successful busi- ness people. They are fiercely competitive. They are kind, and good, and decent, and they care about people. And they are willing to share what works and what doesn’t with not only the broader business community, but their competitors. This is what makes our annual convention so valuable. It is one of the best opportu- nities throughout the year for the back- bone of our industry in this state to come together in a relaxed environment and enjoy one another’s company. It is a time to reminisce, catch up, learn, and maybe most importantly, to laugh. The WVBA’s 121 st Annual Convention will be hosted at West Virginia’s premier destination - The Greenbrier, from Sunday, July 19 to Tuesday evening, July 29. As usual the gathering will feature two breakfasts, Opening and Closing Night dinners, and evening cocktail receptions in addition to two and a half days of professional business sessions for bankers. Business sessions include a two-part Bank Director workshop, members from the United States Senate and House of Repre- sentatives Banking and Financial Services Committees – WV’s own Senator Joe Manchin (invited) and Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito, as well as former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, pres- ident and CEO of the American Bankers Association. Steve Gilliland, nationally recognized author and Hall of Fame speaker, will deliver the closing keynote address. We are still in the process of finalizing de- tails for Tuesday’s breakout session speak- ers/topics, but can assure you the sessions will be highly relevant and informative. Bankers care deeply about the people on their staffs and in their communities. They have a stake in the professional development of their employees. They also have a stake in the quality of life and broader standard of living in the commu- nities in which they are doing business. I have learned that banks must have a keen appreciation for the relative worth of busi- ness plans for a variety of businesses, not just banks. The success of their business depends on it. They need to be able to quickly discern the difference between a good entrepreneurial concept and a bad one. They also need to able to quickly evaluate the relative worth of the business plan that attempts to implement what they recognize as ideas with promise. This requires a good judgment for character in addition to a good feel for the broader economic development. I have found that, without exception, the bankers who are members of this Associa- tion are extremely generous with their very valuable time and their wealth of knowl- edge. This rich vein of knowledge and ex- perience, and the willingness to share that knowledge is why I’m so excited about spending three days with you at “Ameri- ca’s Resort” – The Greenbrier - during our convention in July. n A M essage from the P resident & CEO By Joe Ellison Join Us For Convention We are still in the process of finalizing details for Tuesday’s breakout session speakers/topics, but can assure you the sessions will be highly relevant and informative.