Pub. 2 2011 Issue 3 4 I t is indeed a privilege and my pleasure to serve as Chairman of the West Virginia Bankers Association for the coming year. During these tumultuous times in the banking industry it is reas- suring that the WVBA remains a strong and respected advocate and resource for its member banks. As Chairman, I look forward to working with the As- sociation’s staff, Board of Directors, and bankers across the State to promote the best interests of the banking industry. The history of the WVBA goes back almost 120 years; however, the As- sociation’s importance in providing a unified voice on important issues for West Virginia banks has never been greater. Over the past few years, under the leadership of President Joe Ellison, the Association has led the charge in getting the “banking story” in front of our elected officials on the myriad of legislative issues that have dramati- cally affected our business. Through the coordinated efforts of the WVBA and its constituent bankers, we were able to gain the support and votes of most of our Congressional Delegation on key banking bills. It is also gratify- ing to know that the Association has earned a great deal of credibility in the State Legislature. We try to choose our battles carefully and only go to the Capitol on matters of great importance and we are always armed with factual information when we make our points to legislators. Thank you to all the bankers who give unselfishly of their time to call on elected officials with whom they have personal relation- ships, and use their inf luence for the greater good of all banks in the State. As we look toward the future, the bank- ing industry is unfortunately facing severe headwinds, perhaps more on regulatory issues than the legislative front. Now that Dodd-Frank is hitting its effective dates, the harsh reality of hundreds of new regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as well as our primary regula- tors will soon hit us right between the eyes. As bankers we will have to do everything we can to keep these new regulations as reasonable as possible. These efforts will include activities such as writing comment letters on proposed regulations, lobbying our Congressional Delegation to reign in overzealous regulators and answering calls to action from our national and state trade associations. I encourage CEOs to get all bank employees and di- rectors, not just a few officers, involved in efforts to fend off undesirable regula- tions. As we all know, in Washington it is often a numbers game and, the more bankers our elected officials and regula- tors hear from, the better our chance of a more favorable outcome. On a brighter note, the WVBA con- tinues to provide outstanding value in educational opportunities for bank employees. With the stress currently on earnings, a natural tendency is to cut back on educational expenses. However, I would argue that with the ever changing banking landscape, the last place to cut is in education. The WVBA provides high quality seminars throughout the year, at very reasonable prices, to keep bankers informed on important topics affecting our busi- ness. Additionally, the WV School of Banking is regarded as one of the best banking schools in the Nation under the leadership of Ed Seifried. To say the year ahead, or for that matter the years ahead, will be full of challenges would be a gross under- statement. However, it is comforting to know that we have a strong alli- ance through our membership in the West Virginia Bankers Association. I encourage all members to get more actively involved in the work of your Association. Please respond favorably if asked to serve on a committee, make a call to a Congress person, come to Charleston to meet with legislators, write a letter to a regulator or simply provide your opinion on an issue. Through your involvement, your As- sociation, your industry and your bank will be better. The industry is changing, the way we do business is changing, but one thing will never change and that is the vital role that banks play in our communi- ties and the U.S. economy. I look forward to working with and for you in the coming year and together we can help ensure the ongoing vitality of our industry. Q A M ESSAGE FROM THE C HAIRMAN By Robert Buzzo Looking Forward to the Future