By The West Virginia Bankers Association

VP Bruce Fitzwater presents the Calhoun County EMS with Tudor’s and Gino’s gift cards for each employee as a thank you for their hard work!

Christy Hacker, assistant retail manager, is presenting the Gilmer County EMS with their Tudor’s and Gino’s gift cards!

Where would we be without the people who fill our prescriptions? Thank you for all you do! (Walgreens in Glenville, West Virginia)

Regina Jones, retail manager, presents the Wirt County EMS with their “lunch on us” envelopes!

Calhoun Banks donated over 350 $10 Tudor’s and Gino’s gift cards to various essential businesses in our communities. The cards read, “Thank you for all your hard work. Please enjoy lunch on us!”

Sharon Hallmark, Shawna Haines and Jacqueline Maphis thank a local law enforcement officer

Thank you card

Jacqueline Maphis, Shawna Haines and Cindy Walker with Hampshire County sheriff’s officers

Tracy Orndorff, branch manager, with a local law enforcement officer

Natale Crabtree, branch manager, with a local law enforcement officer
The Bank of Romney and its employees observed National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day by thanking local officers. By combining employee donations with that of the bank, employees donated gift cards and a small gift to all area law enforcement officers.
Bank employees enjoyed delivering the gifts. Bookkeeping Manager Sharon Hallmark, who led the effort, said, “the biggest shoutout goes to my colleagues, who stepped up
to show our appreciation to the brave men and women protecting us.”

Since the start of the pandemic in Vienna, West Virginia, Peoples Bank associates who donate to local foodbanks have been allowed to wear jeans to work. In 2020, Peoples Bank associates donated $116,055 to food banks across West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. In West Virginia, donations went to Facing Hunger Foodbank and Mountaineer Foodbank.

The sunset photo is at the Parkersburg Memorial Toll Bridge. Peoples Bank covered the daily toll cost for all travelers one day in November to thank the Mid-Ohio Valley for their support.

Betsy Gambino, Director of Strategic Partnerships for WVU Medicine East, accepting the cookies from JSB.
Jefferson Security Bank showed their appreciation for local healthcare heroes by surprising the staff at WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center with sweet treats from The Best Cookie.

A group of employees from Clear Mountain Bank volunteered for their Clear Mountain Cares Day to help Food for Preston during their monthly food distribution event.

Joe Sadlek helps pack food bags for the Scott’s Run Settlement House backpack feeding program, which provides food for children in Monongalia County each week so that they are not hungry over
the weekend.

Kaleb Athey volunteers with Monongalia County Literacy Volunteers by installing, maintaining and restocking book boxes that are placed around Preston County. The boxes hold books for people to take or leave for others
to read.
Clear Mountain Cares is a program at Clear Mountain Bank that gives each employee one paid day off to volunteer for a cause of their choice.