By The West Virginia Bankers Association
Calhoun Banks

L-R: Nikki, Stephanie, Jenny, Tara, Regina, and (Rachael — not pictured) work together daily to ensure we have a safe environment for anyone who walks through the doors of our Elizabeth branch!

Employees from the Grantsville Branch being socially distant and wearing masks during their quarterly employee meeting.

Robert Rogers, Operations Representative, is smiling under his mask, thankful for the opportunity to work for a bank with employee and community safety as a top priority.
FNB Bank Community Project — Giving back to our great community.

Team included: Chris Cooper, Sheila Hines, Maria Eversole, Travis Clower, Brett Berg, Travis Delaplain, Stacey Bowman, Barb Harris, Emma Snyder, Terra Ritter, Dennis Moore, Steve Hines and crew (TCC Sealcoating)
Our 2020 project team painted blacktop art & games and the basketball poles/backboards, replaced the nets, fixed cracks on the court and painted all court lines at Slanesville Elementary School.
City National Bank

City National Bank employees took a break to volunteer for United Way of Central West Virginia’s 2020 Day of Caring, helping local nonprofits with community projects and other service opportunities. The City National Bank teams spent the day at the Born Learning Trail at Little Page Terrace and Meeks Trail in Hurricane, West Virginia.
Peoples Bank

Huntington business photo: Pictured from left to right is Andre Joiner, Peoples Bank Government Guaranty Lending Specialist, Aaron Smith, Peoples Bank Commercial Banker, Kris Warner, West Virginia State Director of USDA Rural Development, and Rocky Meadows, Founder and Executive Director of The Lifehouse Inc.

Valerie Johnson, Ryan Welch, Steve Wayne and Tyler Wilcox from Peoples Bank with Cynthia Kirkhart from Facing Hunger Foodbank.

Parkersburg policemen and firefighters pictured with associates from Peoples Bank Parkersburg Division Street office.

Associates from Peoples Bank Point Pleasant office.
The West Virginia Bankers Association
This story appears in Issue 4 2020 of the West Virginia Banker Magazine.